Monday, April 23, 2007


This is another recipe I got from Melanie, one we make multiple times a month. I am posting it the way we cook it, but Mel- please add any tips or variations you use.

1/4 cup milk
2 large eggs
1/3 cup cornstarch
1 cup rice flour
1/4 teaspoon xanthan gum
1 teaspoon salt
pizza sauce
2 cups mozzarella cheese
pizza toppings (pepperoni, green pepper, and mushrooms are usuals for us)

Wisk eggs and milk together. Stir in the corn starch, flour, gum, and salt. Dough should be like cookie dough. Add more rice flour if it's too sticky, I normally add a tablespoon extra.

Spead onto greased 9x13 pan (use a greased spatula or greased roller). Spead sauce evenly over unbaked crust and top with cheese and favorite toppings (be light in the middle so it doesn't get soggy). Bake preheated in 400 degree oven for about 25 minutes.

The Xanthan Gum required is worth the trip to the health food store, this package of powder is about $9, but has lasted me well over a year!
Sorry for the bad photos on this post- dinner was rushed and the nice camera was not available at the moment!


  1. I also add parmesan cheese (which I like, as you can tell) to the crust, about 1/4 cup. We top ours with pepperoni, cooked sausage(Jimmy Dean brand is gf), peppers, and mushrooms. I love this recipe because I make a pizza for me, and a pizza for the rest of the family. They have to share and I don't, tehehe. Reheat leftovers in a toaster oven for best results.

  2. By the way, this pizza looks soooooooo gooooooood. We haven't made pizza in a while, we need to put it on the menu soon.

  3. Totally agree about Xanthum gum. I think I have had mine for a couple of years, hmm, anybody know how long it is good for? I may need to reinvest!

  4. Michelle-I've had mine for a few years too. I'll have to check on the shelf life of it for you. It's great that it lasts so long!

  5. I have had mine for a couple of years too. We are always glad for a new pizza recipe, have to try this one this weekend!

  6. I made this recipe once and fell in love, but didn't save it for later use. I just spent fifteen minutes frantically searching for it...this time I bookmarked the link and wrote it down for my recipe box. Thank you so much! When you're a full-time college student living on campus, recipes like this are a god send. I'm planning on making it for my weekly lunch date with a GF friend here at school.
